澳门金沙赌城线上游戏本科艺术研究 & 人文学科(URAH), 以前是梅隆计划, 目前正在接受2024年夏季的申请吗.


  1. Please read the URAH冲浪队的要求 (below) to confirm your eligibility for the fellowship and your ability to fulfill the requirements.
  2. The URAH SURF application is online and has two parts: a student component and a faculty component.
  3. 要完成申请, the faculty mentor and student(s) should meet to discuss the project and how they will fill out the application. Below you will find the Application Components so you know what is on the application and can create drafts to questions that require longer answers prior to filling out the online form.
  4. The student(s) and mentor should each complete and submit their respective components of the application by the deadline: 11:59 PM on Friday, 2月9日, 2024. 
  5. 完成网上申请后, you will be taken to a screen where you can open a PDF of your completed part of the application. 你应该下载PDF作为记录. 



  • 毕业日期必须在2024年12月或之后.
  • Must commit to work full-time on the project for the entire summer research period and not take other coursework or have other employment.
  • Must participate in URAH events, such as workshops and weekly lunches (during the summer). 
  • Must present your findings (to date) at the 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 Summer Undergraduate 研究 Symposium, 哪一个在夏季研究期结束时举行.
  • 必须将演示文稿的最终副本提交给大学校董会存档吗.


  • 只能在一个研究小组工作.
  • 必须同意在整个夏季研究期间指导学生.
  • Must plan to be in the same location as the student for most (if not all) of the summer research period.



  • 导师姓名、电子邮件和大学身份证号码
  • 项目标题
  • Project Abstract (500 word limit): A description of the project that explains the significance of the project and its relationship to your research agenda.
  • Student Tasks (300 word limit): A detailed account of the tasks your student will complete during the research period. If you will be in a different location than your student for any part of the summer, please indicate how long you will be in separate locations and how you intend to communicate with the student. As a reminder, you should plan to be in the same location for most of the 10-week summer session.
  • Project 结果 (150 word limit): Indicate the intended outcome of the project as a whole, as well as the intended outcome for the summer research period if the project extends beyond the summer. 包括你的学生的任何演讲或出版目标. 
  • Student Preparation and Qualifications (150 word limit): Provide a statement that indicates how the student is prepared and qualified to participate in the project. 一定要解决任何潜在的缺点.g.(如年级、GPA低或缺乏背景课程). Please note that the committee seriously considers students with low GPAs if the faculty mentor thinks they will do well on the project.
  • Budget: Provide your project budget details and justification for any supplies you intend to purchase and any research-related summer travel you are planning.


  • A student stipend of $5,000 and a faculty stipend of $1,000 should be included in every budget. 
  • 1400美元的旅行/用品预算可供学生使用. Please provide details of how this will be used during the summer research period. Any unused portions of this budget will be available for the student to present the results of their research at a conference during the 2024/2025 academic year.
  • Small equipment purchases are permitted ONLY if the tool is essential to the project and not otherwise available. 
  • 总预算不应超过7 400美元.


  • 学生姓名、电子邮件、大学ID号和其他基本信息
  • Student Transcript: Upload a PDF of your unofficial transcript from TigerPaws.
  • 项目摘要(200字以内):对项目的描述. 请和你的导师一起写你的摘要,并且随时可以 读一些摘要的例子.
  • Student Statement (300 word limit): Describe your motivation for participating in this summer project. Your statement should show that you have a good understanding of the project and should include your career goals, 如果适用的话.
  • Student Qualifications (200 word limit): Describe your qualifications for this specific project. Your answer should include any courses and other experiences that have prepared you to carry out the proposed research.
  • Challenge Question (300 word limit): Describe an academic experience where you had to overcome some obstacle or challenge.
  • Name and email of faculty who has agreed to submit a letter of recommendation.


  • The student is responsible for finding a faculty member to write a short letter of recommendation.
  • The letter should come from a 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 faculty member who knows the student’s academic work well but does not have to be from the discipline of the proposed project.
  • 推荐信不能来自教师导师.
  • Please make sure your letter writer is aware of the application deadline and have them email their letter directly to melloninitiative@afroradionetwork.com 2024年2月9日周五晚上11点59分.


The URAH Steering Committee will evaluate the proposals holistically; however, 某些因素有助于使提案脱颖而出. The best applications explain clearly how the project contributes directly to the faculty mentor's research, demonstrate that the students are familiar with the project and have adequate background to contribute to the research, and include clearly defined project outcomes that have demonstrable benefit for both the student and the faculty member.